Who We Are

Daniel Nettles - Chief Executive Officer - 11th grade English Teacher
Randy Mathisen - Chief Creative Officer - 10th grade World History Teacher
Joshua Wyrtzen - Secretary - Chief Operations Officer - 10th grade English Teacher
Cody Pruitt - President - Chief Financial Officer - 12th grade English Teacher

We are four teachers trying to develop a vehicle for collaboration and networking between teachers nation-wide: to share ideas, lesson plans, and teaching tools, all while maintaining accountability to state and federal teaching standards.

How Our Story Begins

While trying to organize a school storage closet, we (Dan, Randy, Josh, and Cody, the Four Teachers) began discussing the same issue that teachers all across America are constantly discussing - the current state of education and its many inherent flaws. We all felt a deep and driving passion for overcoming those challenges and becoming the best, most effective teachers we could be.

As teachers, we are all too familiar with the challenges of the educational system, but what sparked in us that day was the desire to address and fix those flaws. After many conversations, we decided that we had the ideas and experience necessary to fix the system, not just be a part of it. This spark, this desire to create change, is what eventually became the FourTeachers Project.

That summer, instead of reveling in the much needed time off, we spent countless hours thinking about education, brainstorming and developing the blueprints of a website that will forever change the way teachers teach. Our vision at FourTeachers Project is focused on our shared belief that a great teacher produces great students. We believe in the power of great teachers. We want to tap into the limitless potential of our country's educators to accelerate the kind of positive momentum we believe will provide a better education to every student in every classroom.

We are not administrators. We are not politicians. We are just four guys passionate about education, mired in the every day challenges and rewards of a high school classroom, asking you to help us harness the creativity of the people who teach our children. We know that the only real solutions to the problems of education will be created and developed by the most essential component to a student's success - an effective teacher.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to bridge the gap between teachers’ desire for a creative community and administrators' demand for accountability.

To help four teachers tackle education and launch The Desk, please contribute to our StartSomeGood fundraising campaign!