How You Can Help

Do you want to help four guys take on education?

We hope so because we need your help. We are a small group of people trying to do a big thing, and we need your love, support, and community to make that happen. Please help us help teachers nation-wide tackle some fundamental obstacles to education.

What You Can Do

First, tell everyone you know about our company. (And we do mean EVERYBODY -- family, friends, friends of friends, that guy you met down the street, the girl you loaned a pencil to 12 years get the idea :-)

Second, come play with us!

No group can stand alone (nor would we want to) and we know that our success is dependent on building collaborations and networks with other people in our community. We welcome all ideas and collaborations. Please contact us to think of ways we can help each other. Collaborators will also get special access to events, VIP status, and a great, big group hug from all of us. What more incentive can you possibly ask for?

To collaborate or to share ideas about how we can build community, please contact us at

Official Street Team

Since we are tackling education on a grassroots level, we need all the help we can get in spreading the word as far and as wide as it can go. Thus, we are creating an Official FourTeachers Project Street Team!

The street team is anyone and everyone who would like to help us promote our message on the ground level. Street team members will be given promotional items such as business cards, flyers, etc, to pass out at various locations and may be asked to volunteer at events. All street team members will be given special access and recognition as a vital component of the FourTeachers Project movement!

To be a part of our street team, or to receive promotional materials and items to distribute in your city and/or community, please email Chenda Duong at Please include the word "Street Team" in the subject of your email :)

Welcome to the family!